Forget for a moment that anti-gun mayors Michael Bloomberg of New York City, Thomas Menino of Boston, and Adrian Fenty of Washington, D.C., all represent cities with highly restrictive gun laws and high levels of crime. Let’s try, if only for a second, to ignore the fact that their prescriptions to reduce gun violence in their cities will not affect criminals one iota, but will certainly negatively impact their law-abiding gun owners. Briefly set aside your offense over them blaming gun crimes in their cities on the actions, not of criminals, but of citizens from outside their jurisdictions. Excuse, if you will, their ignorance on the “Tiahrt Amendment” that seems to be the prime target of the mayors’ ire. (The “Tiahrt Amendment” prohibits the release of firearm trace data to any entity except a law enforcement agency conducting a bona fide criminal investigation involving the firearm. It ensures politically-motivated lawsuits, such as those being promoted by Bloomberg, don’t misuse this data to try and bankrupt the lawful firearm industry through reckless litigation. As NRA and numerous law enforcement officers and agencies have continuously pointed out, release of this information also jeopardizes ongoing criminal investigations and the lives of law enforcement personnel involved with them.)
Instead, let’s focus on the egomaniacal nature of Hizzoner Bloomberg and his crusade to foist upon citizens outside of New York City, New York City-style gun laws. In a press conference on Tuesday featuring more than 50 mayors, Bloomberg accused any lawmaker who supports the “Tiahrt Amendment” of “voting to put guns in the hands of criminals.” The Mayor vowed further he would “remind every one of their constituents, particularly two years from now when they have an election.”
Not surprisingly, the mayors won’t have to go it alone, as with Congress under new, anti-Second Amendment leadership, an anti-gun task force has been created to ensure the mayors’ water will be carried in Washington, D.C. Task force members include: Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.; F-rated by NRA-PVF); Rep. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.; F-rated by NRA-PVF); and Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich; F-rated by NRA-PVF).
While Mayor Bloomberg is contemplating spending hundreds of millions of his personal fortune to run for president, thankfully, he is NOT currently the President! We would recommend Bloomberg focus on taking care of his own backyard and enforcing existing laws against his city’s criminals, rather than trying to spread failed gun policies across the nation.
Rest assured, the Mayor doesn’t have to worry about reminding constituents about their elected officials’ views on gun control; NRA will continue to do that--just as we will with those anti-gun officials who harbor their own personal White House ambitions!
For a list of mayors who have signed on to this anti-freedom effort, along with their contact information, please click here: