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Missouri Supreme Court Backs Gun Owners over Bloomberg in Court Ruling

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Missouri Supreme Court Backs Gun Owners over Bloomberg in Court Ruling

Yesterday, the Missouri Supreme Court ruled in favor of Missourians, who decisively passed the Right to Keep and Bear Arms constitutional amendment in August 2014.  Constitutional Amendment 5, sponsored by state Senator Kurt Schaefer (R-Columbus), now requires any law that attempts to restrict Missourian’s Second Amendment Rights to face a high legal hurdle called “Strict Scrutiny”, removes the constitutional ban of “wearing of concealed weapons”, and also allows for protections of ammunition and accessories.  These critical provisions of Amendment 5 truly allow Missourians the right to own, carry, and use a firearm for personal enjoyment or self-defense without the fear of political overreach.  

Unhappy with the outcome in the August 2014 election, Michael Bloomberg funded a lawsuit brought by St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson and Rebecca Morgan, a Mom’s Demand Action organizer.  Their lawsuit challenged the actual ballot title by calling it “insufficient." During oral arguments in February of this year, Bloomberg’s attorneys attempted to persuade the court that voters were misled.  Clearly that was not the case.

Now that the Missouri Supreme Court has ruled in favor of Missouri gun owners, and against Bloomberg, they can look forward to enjoying their now solidified Constitutional Second Amendment rights.

Thank you to Amendment 5 sponsor, Senator Kurt Schaefer (R-Columbia), and those who fought hard to defend gun owners in the Supreme Court arguments.  Gun owners have a solid victory that will ensure Second Amendment Rights for generations to come. 



Right to Keep and Bear Arms Constitutional Amendment

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